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Book Design Services

Your Partner in Publishing

If you’re here, it means you’re ready to take your book from a dream to the bookshelf, and we’re excited to help make that happen. At The Copper Portico, we believe every author deserves a beautifully presented book. Our services are designed to ensure your work not only meets but shines above industry standards. Let us handle the details, from designing your book to launching it on Amazon, so you can focus on what you do best—writing. Ready to see your book fly off the shelves? Let’s get started.

Book Formatting for Print and E-Books

Let us help you transform your manuscript into formats suitable for both print and digital reading. Our formatting service includes setting up the correct page size, margins, fonts, and spacing to make your book professionally presentable and enjoyable to read. We ensure that each page is clean, well-organized, and meets publishing standards. This service is essential for authors looking to publish on platforms like Amazon Kindle or traditional printing presses.

Professional Book Design in Miami | The Copper Portico
Professional Book Design in Miami | The Copper Portico

Professional Book Cover Design

Create a powerful first impression with a professionally designed book cover that captures the essence of your writing. Our team uses advanced design software to create covers that are visually appealing and tailored to your book’s genre. We focus on making covers that not only look good but also attract and engage your ideal readers. This includes designing the front, back, and spine that resonate with potential buyers at first glance.

Amazon KDP Launch Service

The Copper Portico offers a dedicated service to help authors launch their books on Amazon seamlessly. We manage the entire process, from setting up your Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account to optimizing your book’s listing for maximum visibility. Our team ensures that every detail is carefully handled, allowing you to focus on your writing while we take care of the technicalities of online publishing and distribution.

Professional Book Design in Miami | The Copper Portico
Lilian Santini | AI Image Generation

Custom Book Illustrations

At The Copper Portico, we specialize in creating custom illustrations that enhance your book’s visual appeal and narrative. Using a blend of branding insights and advanced AI techniques, we develop imagery that perfectly matches the style and tone of your book. Our illustrations not only complement your story but also help in making your book stand out in a crowded market, ensuring it captures the imagination of your readers.

Author Website Design

Enhance your professional image with a website dedicated to your author brand. Our websites are designed to highlight your books, biography, and connect directly with your readers. We optimize each site for search engines to ensure higher visibility and incorporate features like blogs, contact forms, and social media links to keep your audience engaged and returning for more.

Professional Book Design in Miami | The Copper Portico
Professional Book Design in Miami | The Copper Portico

Book Marketing

Increase your book’s visibility and sales with our effective book marketing strategies. We help authors reach their target audience through customized marketing plans that include social media campaigns and email marketing. We focus on strategies that maximize exposure and attract interest from both new readers and loyal fans.

Why Choose The Copper Portico?

When you choose to collaborate with us, you work with founder Lilian Santini, who brings a unique blend of personal and professional experience to each project. Lilian, an author herself, possesses a profound passion for literature that originated during her early academic pursuits in Brazil, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, focusing on Languages and Literature. Her appreciation for written and spoken word drives our commitment to helping authors realize their publishing dreams with the utmost dedication and care.

Lilian Santini


Brand Strategy

New York City, US | 2024 | real estate developer

Novis Living is a respected real estate development company based in New York City, with over 20 years of experience in urban real estate ventures. They specialize in developing, financing, and operating projects that enhance community living standards. Their founder approached us with a goal: to create a compelling presentation that would position them as the ideal choice for a major redevelopment project in Harlem.

How The Copper Portico helped Novis Living become a Community Leader

Novis Living’s founder approached us with a goal: to create a compelling presentation that would position them as the ideal choice for a major redevelopment project in Harlem. This program aimed to convert existing buildings into cooperative housing, empowering residents through ownership and education.


The main challenge was to create a strategy and presentation that would resonate with a diverse, multi-generational audience. The presentation needed to be clear, engaging, and bilingual (English and Spanish), ensuring that residents could easily understand and share the information with their families.

Research and Strategy Development

We began by conducting thorough research on the demographics and education levels of the community. Key insights included:

  • A significant portion of the residents had varying levels of education.
  • Many households were multi-generational, including grandparents, parents, and children.


Based on these insights, we developed a strategy focused on simplicity, clarity, and inclusivity. We aimed to use straightforward language and universal icons to make the content easily comprehensible. Our goal was to build trust and show that Novis Living truly understood and cared about the community’s needs.

Novis Living - Brand Strategy - The Copper Portico


Presentation and Brochure Creation

We put together a dynamic PowerPoint presentation for Novis Living, designed specifically for a key community event where residents would choose between two redevelopment bids. Our approach started with deep research to ensure the presentation spoke directly to the community’s heart. It introduced Novis Living’s mission, outlined the benefits of cooperative housing, and transparently discussed potential challenges. Including success stories from previous projects, the presentation aimed to build trust and ended with a call for community feedback.

At the community meeting, residents evaluated the competing proposals. Novis Living wanted to stand out not just for their proposal’s strengths but for their genuine commitment to enhancing the neighborhood. Their well-prepared presentation and the founder’s passionate delivery were created to resonate deeply, making a compelling case for their vision of community transformation.

Novis Living - Brand Strategy - The Copper Portico

Bilingual Trifold Brochure

To complement the presentation, we designed a bilingual trifold brochure that residents could take home. This brochure provided an overview of Novis Living and the project plans, detailed the key benefits of the initiative, emphasized the importance of community feedback, and included contact information along with a QR code for accessing the full presentation online. The brochure was designed to be visually appealing and easy to read, catering to all age groups.

At the community meeting, residents evaluated the competing proposals. Novis Living wanted to stand out not just for their proposal’s strengths but for their genuine commitment to enhancing the neighborhood. Their well-prepared presentation and the founder’s passionate delivery were created to resonate deeply, making a compelling case for their vision of community transformation.

Novis Living - Brand Strategy - The Copper Portico

Creative QR Code

We created a unique QR code that showcased urban lights, which was integrated into the brochure. This creative QR code allowed residents to access the entire presentation digitally, facilitating further discussion and understanding within their households.

Novis Living - Brand Strategy - The Copper Portico

Comprehensive Script Development

In addition to the visual materials, we worked closely with Novis Living’s founder to develop the script for his presentation. This ensured he stayed on message and covered all the important points seamlessly. We thought of everyone involved: the presenter, the audience, and the interpreter. By providing the interpreter with a copy of the presentation script, we enabled him to perform his role with excellence, ensuring the bilingual presentation was smooth and effective.

Novis Living - Brand Strategy - The Copper Portico


Our strategy focused on simplicity, clarity, and inclusivity, helping Novis Living present themselves as a considerate and competent choice for the redevelopment project. The combination of the PowerPoint presentation, the bilingual trifold brochure, and the well-prepared script ensured that residents could engage with the information both during the meeting and at home, fostering a sense of community and trust.

Our efforts led to Novis Living winning over 75% of the community votes, clearly demonstrating effectiveness of our strategy and the trust we helped build between Novis Living and the Harlem community.

Novis Living’s founder shared his excitement and gratitude:

Thank you for your incredible work. We were selected by the residents with over 75% of the votes! Your strategy and care made a huge difference. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work making this community great for these residents. Thank you!
Novis Living Logo
Asher Toporovsky

Wrapping Up

Our approach not only met Novis Living’s needs but also enhanced their connection with the community. By using clear, inclusive language and engaging visuals, we effectively addressed the diverse educational and generational demographics of the residents.

This case study demonstrates the importance of tailored communication strategies in community-focused projects, ultimately positioning Novis Living as a caring and capable partner for the redevelopment initiative.

Brand Strategy

Minas Gerais, Brazil | 2024 | family-owned company

When Móveis HT approached The Copper Portico, they presented us with a unique challenge: to elevate a brand rich in tradition and craftsmanship to resonate with a modern audience. Our task was not just to refresh a logo or tweak a color palette, but to weave the story of a family legacy into a brand identity that would speak across continents.

Understanding the Heart of Móveis HT

Our journey with Móveis HT began not with sketches and color swatches, but with listening. We delved deep into the essence of Móveis HT – their roots in the rich soil of Minas Gerais, the legacy of Luiz José de Resende, and their commitment to quality and sustainability. This understanding was crucial in shaping our strategy.

The Copper Portico’s Creative Alchemy

The transformation required a delicate balance. Our design team envisioned a logo that was a modern nod to the past – a sleek, abstract interpretation of the initials “HT,” infused with the warmth and tradition of Minas Gerais. It wasn’t just a logo; it was a symbol of evolution.

In choosing the color palette, we sought to encapsulate the essence of Móveis HT’s heritage. The earthy browns and vibrant greens and blues were more than just colors – they were a narrative in themselves, telling a story of warmth, trust, and nature.

Typography was another critical element. We selected fonts that were clear and legible yet carried the weight of tradition. This choice ensured that Móveis HT’s message was not lost in translation, whether in print or digital.

Addressing Customer Pain Points

Our strategy extended beyond aesthetics. We knew Móveis HT’s audience faced dilemmas – from the high cost of quality furniture to concerns about sustainability. Our marketing strategy addressed these pain points head-on, showcasing Móveis HT’s commitment to quality, durability, and environmental responsibility.

The Result: A Brand Reborn

The transformation of Móveis HT by The Copper Portico was more than a rebranding; it was a renaissance. The new brand identity resonated with customers, old and new, as a symbol of both tradition and innovation. It wasn’t just about selling furniture; it was about selling a story – a story of a home, heritage, and heart.

Why The Copper Portico?

This case study isn’t just about Móveis HT’s journey; it’s a testament to what The Copper Portico can achieve. We don’t just see a brand; we see a legacy waiting to be unveiled. Our approach is meticulous, our creativity boundless, and our strategies tailored to echo the voices of the brands we elevate.

When you partner with us, you’re not just getting a branding agency; you’re gaining a collaborator in crafting your legacy. Whether it’s reimagining a logo or redefining a brand’s narrative, our mission is to tell your story in a way that resonates with the world.

Brand Strategy

miami, US | 2021 | women-led community

When the Anima Collective set out to reinvent themselves, they turned to The Copper Portico. The task was clear: revamp the brand to better reflect its mission and energy. Together, we brainstormed their new name and infused their values into a brand image that would resonate with their audience.

The Brand Reimagined

The Anima Collective’s new logo needed to be more than just aesthetically pleasing—it had to tell a story. We delivered with a design that captured both mystique and clarity, blending art deco flair with bold, modern shapes. The logo’s interlocking ‘A’s form a diamond, symbolizing growth and strength, with a subtle nod to the collective’s feminine roots.

A Colorful Conversation

Our chosen color palette wasn’t just about looking good—it was about feeling right. Dark greens and golds mixed with deep magentas and lilacs give the Anima Collective a distinct energy that’s inviting and powerful.

Speaking through Typography

We selected Mialgor for its modern edge, bringing a sense of stability and confidence to headings and key messages. For the finer details, we picked fonts that ensured every word on their website and printed materials was easy to read and impactful.

Designing an Online Home

Our work extended into the digital realm, where we crafted the web pages for The Anima Collective. Every page reflects their renewed brand, with intuitive navigation and engaging layouts that draw visitors into the Anima experience.

Imagery that Connects

The images we selected for Anima’s brand and website aren’t just placeholders—they’re an invitation. We focused on real, relatable visuals that showcase the diversity and vibrancy of The Anima Collective community.

What's Next for The Anima Collective

As The Anima Collective steps forward with their new brand, we’re right there with them, fine-tuning a digital presence that matches their offline identity. Our journey together is about keeping the brand as dynamic and engaging as the community they foster.

Interested in evolving your brand with a team that gets it? The Copper Portico isn’t just about delivering a project—we’re about delivering your brand’s potential. Let’s start the conversation and see where we can take your brand together.